White Collar Recruitment

We dare to take on administrative and technical positions, juniors and experienced top managers. We know the companies in the region well, we know our way around the map, we know how commuting works. And we know the motivation of the candidates. We know what will and won't work. We also know how hard it is to find a good fit for a particular position. And how much work and time it takes. And in the first stage of candidate hunting, we also know how to stop someone in these hectic times so that they can make a good case that your company is exactly what they are looking for. Don't make your life harder, leave it to us.

Personal Meeting

Week 1

Even if you have the best JOB DESCRIPTION, there's nothing like sitting down in person or at least making a phone call. Our experience tells us that candidate fit is far from just what's written on paper. We need you to REALLY UNDERSTAND what and who you are looking for, only then will we be able to hit the mark. We also need to know the company environment so we can present your company to the candidate well and in color.


Active Headhunt


Week 1

Once we're clear on who we're looking for, we'll start the hunt. We use a variety of sources. Advertising is no longer enough. Thanks to our many years in the industry, we have a broad base of regional contacts for candidates who are open to discussion but not actively looking themselves. Because their motives for looking for work are not so pressing, they are not looking at advertising portals themselves. And yes, these are the types of candidates you want most often, they are the most experienced in their fields. We also use social networks of all kinds, colors, tastes and smells.


Week 1 and onwards continuously

We will interview each candidate by phone, video conference or in person prior to the actual presentation. In order to check the suitability of his/her experience, language skills, motivation. And also to introduce you as an employer. With us, you will not be introduced to a candidate without knowing that his/her CV has travelled somewhere. Unfortunately, this also happens nowadays and we consider it the worst possible transgression of the work of recruitment agencies. We also take it as our responsibility to ensure that the candidate has a valid GDPR consent.


Introduction of Suitaible Candidates


Week 1-2

At the end of the first week you can expect the first profiles to be presented. The recruitment process in the recruitment agency, as in yours, is continuous. So more profiles will be coming. We are not an agency that has the ambition to overwhelm you with a ton of CVs just to make you feel like you have a choice. We don't want to waste your time, so we'll only send you really vetted candidates who we think are a genuine fit. So don't be afraid to invite them to meet you in person. If we are not sure about something, we will consult with you in advance. The flow of additional profiles most often ends in the 3rd or 4th week at the latest. You will also hear from us that you should not expect any more profiles, with feedback on the reason why most often candidates were not interested in your offer.

Continuous Communication

We will be in regular contact with you throughout the selection process to update each other on the ongoing selection process and to fine-tune feedback on the candidates presented and the progress of the selection process. Yes, it can sometimes be challenging to get some information out in a timely manner and to schedule meetings to fit into the calendar of everyone involved. But speed and flexibility is what helps the best employers stay ahead of the competition. Together, we can definitely do it. We also take charge of ongoing communication with all candidates who are part of the selection process. Because we think there's nothing worse than not communicating. So we will make sure that everyone has all the information they need and has it in a timely manner.


End of Recruitment Process


As soon as we or you are successful in finding the final candidate, we will close the selection process and inform all interested candidates that the selection is over. We will also be sure to ask you for feedback on how satisfied you were with the service. And we look forward to any further cooperation.

Starting Day of Candidate

If our candidate is the winner, we will contact you on the day of the start to verify that everything went well and the candidate started as agreed. We will then issue an invoice. We will also contact the candidate for the last time ourselves on the same day to wish them every success in their new job.


Do you have more questions? We would be happy to meet you in person.