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Analysis of the recruitment process

Not sure if your recruitment process is set up correctly? Are you spending many hours recruiting and still not being efficient enough? Don't know which way to go and need a place to start? Or on the other hand, have you been recruiting for too long and are suffering from operational blindness? Let us look into it with you. We'll have a few conversations and break your recruitment process down to its bare bones to see where your shoe is dropping. We'd love to help set a new direction for your recruitment. Tailored to your needs.

Candidate testing

Types of tests: we offer a wide range of tests, including personality tests, cognitive ability tests, emotional intelligence tests and behavioural tests. This helps companies get a comprehensive view of candidates' abilities and potential performance.
Practical applications: These assessments can be used for selection and recruitment, for team development, to improve communication among employees, and for strategic human resource planning.
Why use testing and what roles is it suitable for?Testing is used across different types of roles and sectors, from entry level to top management. Here are some examples of the types of roles where testing is often used:
  • Leadership and Management: Testing is often used to assess leaders and managers to test their leadership skills, strategic thinking and ability to manage teams.
  • Sales roles: In sales roles, tests can help identify an individual's ability to lead negotiations, persuade and achieve sales goals.
  • Customer Service: For customer service roles, tests can provide useful information about a candidate's ability to communicate effectively and solve customer problems.
  • IT and technical positions: In technical fields, cognitive ability tests can be used to assess analytical skills and the ability to solve complex problems.
  • Human Resources and Personnel Management: For HR positions, testing can be used to assess interpersonal communication, decision-making and strategic planning skills.
  • Finance and Accounting: detail-oriented, analytical and systematic thinking tests can be important for finance positions.
Testing can also be used for internal promotions and employee development, where it helps identify potential for further professional growth and development. Overall, psychometric tests are flexible tools that can be adapted to the needs of almost any position in an organization.

Attendance at interviews

Not sure if you can make a good guess about the candidate sitting in front of you? Or do you need a second set of eyes or a frontline recruiter to your line managers? We'd love to come to you.

Assessment/Development centre

Need to be super sure? Are you comfortable seeing multiple candidates in one place? We have years of experience with this too and can tailor an Assessment Centre to the competencies you are looking for in your job role.

Outplacement or assistance with redundancies

This is a service that pleases no one. But when it comes to layoffs, it's more than great if the company can handle it with grace and decency. We're happy to help. We can assist with layoffs and communication. But most of all, we'll walk your terminated employees through what all awaits them and shouldn't be left behind. We'll even arrange one-on-one meetings to help you write a resume, edit your LinkedIn profile, advise you on how and where to look for a job, and what to look out for. We have experience in outplacement of managers and rank-and-file employees and are happy to provide references. We can be helpful.

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